Duggar Derangement Syndrome

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Tony at Catholic Pillow Fight has coined the phrase Duggar Derangement Syndrome for all of the venomous, nasty, vulgar and degrading comments coming from the Leftosphere last week about the Duggar family adding their 17th baby.

Tony, all you need is a good graphic and I promise I would promote it and add it to my side bar. Derangement certainly seems to cover the frenzy this has whipped up in this crowd.

I plan to write on this further this weekend, but in the meantime, take a peak over at Tony’s fine frisking of Linda Sharp an author and blogger at “Don’t Get Me Started.” While Linda doesn’t mean to be judgemental, gosh she sure had a lot of concerns about the Duggar family.

And I hate to break it to this lady, but God designed sex. He designed it to be fruitful, deleriously enjoyable, and the most intimate bonding experience a man and woman can have. It is as close to heaven and the reality of the triune God that we humans can approach.

He did not design it to be “protected” (as if children need to be protected from like some sort of disease).

You da man Tony! Standing here with ya!

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