My Domestic Clippings

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Dawn Marie had a sweet post about hope chests. I haven’t thought about a hope chest in year but there are things that I would love to “pick up” as I come across them for my daughters and perhaps my nieces. What a sweet idea!

The Blogger at Soule Mama has a book on the Creative Family coming out soon! Keep your eyes open for this one!
For parents of all backgrounds, The Creative Family offers unique creative activities for the whole family. The range of projects includes: imaginative play such as dress-up, home theater, and parlor games; arts and crafts such as family drawing time and knitting with children; nature explorations such as creating garden journals and using natural toys; and family celebrations that include making music and displaying children’s art. These fun and engaging alternatives to television, video games, and the computer are meant to captivate children’s imaginations, celebrate their achievements, and express love and gratitude as a family.

The rest of it is equally as thought provoking!
You can pre-order it!

It’s still summertime, and Starry Sky Ranch has some yumming looking summertime deserts to try out!

While it is important to wash your hands, that antibacterial soap might not be doing you any favors! HT Amy Scott.

One Hour Craft had some crafty links to try out. I particularly enjoyed this one.

The Poppins Academy had a ton of interesting links to check out. The denim jumper one was funny. Izzy liked this one.

Well since we spent enough time this week talking about NCCers and contraception, it seems appropriate to link to Jen at Et Tu’s update on Natural Family Planning and the church’s teaching on the matter.

And what is the practical result of all that contracepting and aborting? Well here’s one!
HT Catholic Mom in Hawaii (who always has good stuff to read anyway!)

On the deeper reading/political/religious front:
Barbara Curtis linked to this fascinating article about a Gay Rights Activist who is stepping away from all of it. From World Net Daily.

As a leader in the “gay rights” movement, I was given the opportunity to address the public many times. If I could take back some of the things I said, I would. Now I know that homosexuality is lust and pornography wrapped into one. I’ll never let anybody try to convince me otherwise, no matter how slick their tongues or how sad their story. I have seen it. I know the truth.
God gave us truth for a reason. It exists so we could be ourselves. It exists so we could share that perfect self with the world, to make the perfect world. These are not fanciful schemes or strange ideals – these are the Truth.
Healing from the sins of the world will not happen in an instant; but, it will happen – if we don’t pridefully block it. God wins in the end, in case you didn’t know.

My friend TS O’rama had a picture of one of his wife’s distant relatives from the Revolutionary War.
Visited the grave today of my wife’s ancestor, a soldier in the Revolutionary War. It’s been said that John Davis was the one holding the flag when Washington crossed the Delaware. My father-in-law never tires of telling me that. *grin*

I love it when history has a personal connection. Thanks for sharing that Tom.

To end on a family note, Meredith of Like Merchant Ships had a very thought provoking article on the Family Hospital, where she rediscovers Edith Schaffer’s, What is a Family. Meredith talks about how this book spoke to her as she dealt with a husband who was a bit under the weather. Here’s a quote:
“…Jesus said we are “to wash one another’s feet” as He washed the disciples’ feet (see John 13:12). During sicknesses we can both literally and figuratively “wash feet,” as we do the messy jobs that someone has to do, and then say, “Thank you, Lord, for giving me a glimpse of what it is all about.” What Is A Family, p. 96.

It sounds like a good book to add to my summer reading.

I’d like to close with this interesting link to Melanie Bertinelli’s blog. Melanie reviews an article from First Things Magazine about Homeschooling and Christian Duty.

The idea of sending a child daily into a hostile environment—if not actively hostile, as in bullying, then certainly philosophically hostile—expecting him not only to withstand assaults on everything his parents have told him is true but also to transform the entire system by his presence, seems sadly misguided to me. There may be many valid arguments for sending a child to school, but that one doesn’t wash.

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