My Domestic Clippings

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Speaking of saints… the wonderful Sister Mary Martha does a great piece about saints interceding for us.

On the same note, Ukok does a masterful job of explaining purgatory for us! (I like her new header too!!)

In preparing for the new school year I came across this older post by Karen Edmiston that I thought was inspirational. I really want to be on top of my game next year. I thought this year went well but I want so muich for next year to be even better!

With that in mind, Melissa Wiley’s post about making change with form really spoke to me too! Lissa is also getting ready to do a sequel to her successful Day Planner posts from laat year!

But it’s still summer time and Artful Thoughts has lots of arty links for things to make and do in the summer weeks ahead!

Lindsey had a post about a month ago about searching out old cemetaries and looking at tomb stones with her kids! I actually LOVE doing that too and I have been thinking for about six months about going to one of our oldest cemetaries to take some pictures.

The Vintage Chica steps back in time too – to two old Mercantile stores – just simply charming!

I have been very obsessed lately with our financial picture and getting out of the debt we accumulated when my husband started his own business. One of the things that has always puzzled me is how your credit rating affects how much you pain in interest etc. This is a good article that explains it very well!
HT the Simple Dollar. Looks like I’ll be adding that blog to my line up.

I did have one credit card that was charging my 28% interest. (I kid you not.) And I just recently transferred them over to another card at 5%. I understand that might affect my credit score but since I’m not looking for a loan in the near future, I thought it was more important to get that interest rate under control and pay down debt faster than to struggle with that ridiculous card and their loan shark rate.

I got a lot of good feedback on the pictures I took of Izzy for her first communion day! I was so happy with how they turned out I am feeling really excited about doing Calvin’s senior pictures with his cousin Natalie! Meredith took some beautiful pictures of her own daughter recently and had some great suggestions of locations! I’m leaning towards this place.

This one is for my sister – Serial Drama’s farce on General Hospital (featuring “Awesome Writer”). Simply hilarious! Enjoy Sis!!

Off to get Izzy’s party preparations done. I’m hoping to do a lot of yard saling tomorrow too. Have a great weekend!

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