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I’ve been doing a lot of fitness reading lately and have decided that the days of being able to do aerobics three to four times a day with fantastic results are long gone! I not only have to step it up at least six days a week, but for a longer period of time for the same results. I’m beginning to see why women use to die in their 40s!

Here are some sites documenting this fact How Much Cardio Exercise Is Enough? www.thebodysculptress.com

Cardio secrets of the stars – Fit Hollywood Shape – Find Articles

Hussman Fitness

Two recent photos of myself have shocked me into submitting to this unwelcome news, as well as a nice mother at Izzy’s dance recital asking me if I was expecting again!
Although I appreciate her vote of confidence, no I am not expecting again, thanks for asking.

So I’ve been gradually adding more workout days to my routine, but today I actually worked out in the morning and in the afternoon. I feel pretty good about it physically. Mentally I’m quite proud of myself! I want to come up with some kind of walking/tape/muscle strengthening routine that I can stick with. I definitely want to take advantage of walking in the nice weather, particularly since it gives me a chance to walk with Mr. Pete or one of my sons. Today Gabe and I walked for one hour (with one break to get drinks at the drug store) and had a good time too. In the afternoon I did that Firm arm tape. So that was all good.

We had a pretty decent homeschool day that I documented on my homeschool blog.

But the best was a call from the lady at the soccer league. Our league is having a soccer camp this month. It is $55 per kid. They are also having soccer sign ups for the fall which is also – $55 per kid plus uniform. If you do the math – it’s impossible. So I wrote an e-mail expressing that I would really like to be involved with the camp but with the soccer sign ups too it is just too difficult to come up with the money. The soccer lady called to tell me that the “powers that be” reviewed my e-mail, and considering how many years my family has been involved, and since Pete coaches, they were offering us scholarships to the camp! I was thrilled! So next week Izzy and Noah will have five days of soccer camp during the day (swim lessons at night – boy are they going to be tired!!) and then Sam and Gabe will go the week after that.

All and all, a good day!

Speaking of fitness goals, I mentioned that I was not going to step on the scale again until I had lost two inches from my waistline. After reading Covert Bailey and the Hussman Fitness site, I wonder if I might be on to something. They both think the number on the scale isn’t nearly as important as body fat testing.
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