The Appeal of Roman Catholicism.

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A fascinating article on about the Appeal of Roman Catholicism. The author is a Fundamentalist Christian and he is writing from that perspective.

Over the weekend a member of a mailing list I subscribe to asked an interesting question. Reflecting both on some of the highly-publicized “defections” of former Protestants to Roman Catholicism and some he has witnessed personally he asked “What is the appeal of Roman Catholicism?” I have sometimes wondered the same. Why is it that many Protestants eventually convert to Catholicism? To put things in context, my experience shows that a far greater number of Roman Catholics become Protestants than the other way around. I do not think the conversions to Catholicism represent an epidemic. Still, it is worth thinking about.

He thinks the Protestants to convert are have more of a philosophical leaning than a scriptural one. I wonder if he has ever read any works by Dr. Scott Hahn? (Hahn is a well-known scripture scholar who became Catholic after being convicted from scripture to do so.) Nonetheless he has a lot of good points. Unfortunately he ends with another ad hominem logical fallacy. That’s really too bad when otherwise good apologists on either side of the Tiber fall into that trap. The discussion that follows is good. There is one lone Catholic holding his own well. One might remember Carrie from Of (some) Christian Women from my archives.

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