Workd for me Wednesday – One man’s garbage is another man’s treasure!

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OK I messed up! I didn’t know this was the birthday edition of Works for me Wednesday. But finding treasures for free is like hitting it big on your birthday so with that S T R E T C H – here’s my post!

The Vintage Chica had a great series about finding treasures in dumpsters and out on garbage day! Mr. Pete has salvaged many things out of the garbage including bikes, lamps, and furniture. If you have some mechanical know-how or are willing to learn these things can be made usable again. It always fascinates me the things some people throw out that are actually just fine but just the wrong color, or they bought something newer.

Anyway, my favorite thing that Mr. Pete ever salvaged was my microwave cart. He was driving behind a Walmart when they were wheeling this big metal cart out. It had been part of a Coke promotion and now the promotion was over and they didn’t need the cart! Mr. Pete asked the guy taking it out to the garbage and they told him he could just take it. We’ve cleaned it off and it has been proudly in my kitchen ever since!

So it doesn’t hurt to check out what others are throwing out and it never hurts to ask!

Works for me!

And woo hooo! This is my 3000th blog post!

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