Sometimes it takes a neighbor

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to tell you what’s wrong in your house!

I just read some comments from the very nice blogger at
Little Acorn House She makes two very good points.

“My biggest concern with the Catholic church, unlike Candy’s, is that many people claim to be Catholic and yet do not have any real signs or understanding of salvation. My impression is that you can join the Catholic ‘culture'(different from the official church) without actually becoming a child of God and accepting Jesus as your savior.”

Well that’s a shame but I think she might be right. I see so many Protestant ladies at home school conventions and such that stand out because of they are living lives of righteousness. They are not afraid to speak the name of Jesus, they dress modestly, live humbly and it is easy to identify that they stand out in the world because of how they live their lives.

I don’t think a lot of modern-day American Catholics can say the same.

Her second point:
Yet I do not see the official Catholic church taking steps to clairify to people that there is a differnce between attending/saying your Catholic and actually being a redeemed follower of Christ. Too many people equate being Catholic with being saved.”

She’s right there too. I have rarely heard anything about repentence or solid teaching on moral issues from the pulpit on Sunday. My pastor says a lot about social justice type of things which is fine and good, but it’s only ONE PART of the entire message.

The main thing that I took away from this exchange is thta from this kind woman’s view, Catholicism is perhaps supposed to stand for more, be more, teach more, instruct and illuminate more. But that is unclear to her from the Catholics she has observed both in the laity and the clergy. Food forthought.

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