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Yesterday was a gorgeous spring day. We were lucky enough to have strung several of those “gorgeous spring days” together in a row. I even started putting winter clothes away! But when I saw my magnolia tree bloom yesterday I knew we were destined for another cold snap. It happens every year in this part of Ohio. We get enough teasing warm weather to coax out the flowers and the blooms, and then BAMM they’re stifled with bitter cold and perhaps even snow.

Oh well. At least we took advantage of the day while it lasted. I took the kids to confession yesterday. It was, as you can imagine, an event. Rosie wiggled, squirmed and pretty much said, “HIEEEEE!” to every Lenten penitent who walked through the door.

Izzy and Noah went to confession with our pastor. I don’t go to him any more since he gave a homily a few years back where he announced that he never knew for sure what a sin was. When I go to confession, I need a priest who is pretty clear on what a sin is! But when you’re only 7 and 9, a priest with at least a general idea will do. Anyway, Noah got confused on which door to open and so picked the one in the middle. Our pastor then said a hearty, “Well hello there!” Noah closed the door and then went on the side for a face-to-face confession. I think he wanted to go anonymously but after opening Father’s door the jig was up anyway, so he just went with it.

Izzy was still agonizing over her act of Contrition.

“Oh my God,
I am hardly sorry
por haping oppended tee! (speech impediment remember?)
and I detest all my tins, becaude I
dwead the loth of heaben and the pires ob hell!
But motht of all, becauth I am all good and deserbing ob all your lub!”

She usually just stops there unless I remind her to go on with the “I firmly resolve” part.

Father didn’t have her recite it this time.

Afterwards we went to the cemetery to decorate Raphael’s grave for Easter. We usually put his little cross out, but I think the cemetery crew ACTUALLY THREW IT AWAY after Christmas. I was a bit perturbed about that and let the cemetary office know that Raphael’s daddy made that for his grave with his own two hands and that perhaps they should in the future refrain from throwing out hand crafted wooden crosses with all the other plastic flowers, brown Christmas wreaths etc.

Nonetheless we had a good time. We take plastic eggs and hang them with potholder loops in nearby bushes. It makes babyland look very festive. We also put some eggs around Raphael’s grave and some carnations in his vase. As luck would have it, one of my good friends just happened to come to the cemetery as we were decorating. His baby daughter died a number of years ago today and he just wanted to pop by and visit is daughter’s grave. We shared some of our carnations and Easter Eggs. Happy heavenly birthday Rosemary.

Last night was the last rehearsal for musicians before Holy Thursday. I have come to believe that if I don’t do enough sacrifice and suffering during lent, Holy Week will provide me with ample opportunity as we endure hours of unpaid rehearsal, practice, music arranging and performance. Amen.

Today and tomorrow I plug away at my usual workload. The kids and I are taking part of our spring break this week, and part of it next. I hope to at least have the transcription and housework done before tomorrow.

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