Rosie Bullies and Shuts Off Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s ‘Blather’ |

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Yesterday on The View was a perfect example of the intolerance of the tolerant left!

Rosie Bullies and Shuts Off Elisabeth Hasselbeck’s ‘Blather’ |

Here are exerpts and my commentary:

ELISABETH HASSELBECK: I saw the documentary. I know that children were held. But I think in the case of those held in cell blocks 1A and B that were, you know, high level terrorists with information. I mean, what do you do when you have a terrorists who has a ton of information? You know, like KSM, who just confessed. What do you do with him? Do you not use extreme measures?

ROSIE O’DONNELL: Okay, before you answer that, is it true that the person who was sent from Guant – Gitmo Bay, Guantanamo Bay over to Abu Ghraib –

I’ll say one thing for Rosie, she is the master! What she has done is try to shut down Elisabeth’s very important question and divert it back to the mainstream media talking points i.e. Rumsfeld, and Abu Ghraib.

RORY KENNEDY: General Miller

O’DONNELL: General Miller he was brought there because Donald Rumsfeld was not happy with the amount of information he was getting as a result of the torture techniques that they were doing there. So he went from the very successful torture place in Guantanamo Bay over to Abu Ghraib. Is that true?

See. A masterful diversion.

KENNEDY: That is correct.

O’DONNELL: That’s true

HASSELBECK: Guantanamo Bay, also, so you know, as a whole, these were extreme methods that were horrific but I think to paint the entire Army’s way of getting information really for our benefit to be safe is not accurate. I think at Guantanamo Bay they are allowed to have their prayer time five times a day, they’re served meals, and what do you-

O’DONNELL: Okay Elisabeth, you have to stop. You have to stop. You can ask a question, but you can’t just blather on your opinion. She’s here to talk about that. Ask her a question.

What a hypocrite. O’Donnell spews her left wing views and opinions on a DAILY BASIS on the View. When did she get to be the rule maker for that show?

HASSELBECK: I asked the question that you said before you answer I —

O’DONNELL: Because you’re trying to say that what happened was just based on these few bad apples and what her whole entire film showed is that it was orchestrated by our own government and condoned by them and you saw it twice. [applause]

HASSELBECK: I saw it twice.

O’DONNELL: Yes, so if you have a question, ask her.

HASSELBECK: I asked her the question.

O’DONNELL: What’s the question?

HASSELBECK: I asked her the question.

O’DONNELL: Should we torture people? She said no.

The View is becoming a freak show. If I were Elisabeth Hasselbeck, I don’t think I could stay on there for too much longer.

See more info at WizBang
Jane Genova, Doug Giles, the New York Post.

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