Pete's first birthday

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Pete’s first birthday
Originally uploaded by elliemom.

I was remiss in not wishing my husband, Mr. Pete, a happy birthday yesterday on the blog! (In real life he got his present, although we are celebrating on Sunday with Noah, who also has a birthday!)

This is Pete’s first birthday party. You can see the little blond girl on the left is his sister Rita, and the little girl with her hand on the back of the high chair is either his sister Mary or Irene. What I love about the picture is his mother holding the cake. Her hair is pulled up, she is wearing a nice housedress and an apron holding a birthday cake in front of her little boy, her 8th baby! It’s really quite wonderful.

This week Mr. Pete got a lot of cards about being over the hill from his OLDER siblings whohave been there, done that! But he’ll always be the boy I married with the long hair and the bandana wrapped around his thigh to me!

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