Dr. Hannity and Mr. Hyde – Hannity getting ripped by Renew America!

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I blogged in Hannity’s stupid conversation with Father Euteneuer last night, citing all of his logical fallacy arguments. Here are some other Catholics calling Mr. Hannity to task!

Dr. Hannity and Mr. Hyde: “Evidently, however, he also believes that the amicable approach to political opinion journalism need only be extended to socialists and terrorists. Last night, Dr. Hannity turned into Mr. Hyde while interviewing Rev. Tom Euteneuer of Human Life International. Presented with a reasonable, unflinching, and informed refutation of certain fundamental aspects of his own point of view, Sean pitched what can only be called — in precise and factual terms — a hissy fit, converting a conversation concerning other matters into a bashfest about the clerical sex scandal, repetitively admonishing Father to ‘judge not lest ye be judged,’ and making not the slightest attempt to address even one of the many excellent points his poised and authoritative guest refused to be derailed from raising.

Anyone interested in the substance of Father Euteneuer’s argument — simultaneously publicized and validated by the singularly discourteous treatment it was recently afforded — can find it discussed in detail in Matt Abbott’s column on Renew America, or on the HLI website (www.hli.org, ‘Spirit and Life’ newsletter Vol. 01, No. 58, Friday, March 9, 2007). What we will consider in this brief column is but the meaning of Sean’s meltdown, as it pertains to the larger political landscape of which it is a part.”

Here Deacon John provides us with the transcript and his own commentary! Here’s a sample

Here is Mr. Hannity pulling out the old “don’t judge me” card in order to make Father the ‘bad guy’ for “judging” him. Clever, but not that clever and unoriginal.

Hannity further tries to deflect attention from himself by attacking the Catholic Church. He states that Fr. Euteneuer should be applauding those that stayed in the Church after the scandal. We don’t need any more cafeteria Catholics, who are trying to destroy our Faith! Hannity fails to realize that our hope is in God and not in man. Anyone who leaves the Church due to the failing of any percentage of the hierarchy simply do not know their faith. We are in the Church for one reason and one reason alone: truth. Jesus Christ founded the Catholic Church on the solid rock of Peter. No amount of human sin can take that away from us. Christ will always be present for us in the Eucharist and His grace in the Sacraments. God will be with the Church always, according to His promises.

Rather, Sean, you should be applauding Priests like Fr. Euteneuer who have the guts to publicly stand up for the Christ’s teachings uncompromisingly.

Darth Beckman (and read the comments too!)

Sean Hannity is unwatchable. This though is beyond the pale, even for him. Fr. Tom Euteneuer seemed a bit unprepared and I don’t blame him. No lay person should ever address a priest so disrespectfully. “Do you know I studied Latin?!” What does that have to do with anything Mr. Hannity? Fr. Euteneur is not judging you, he is trying to dissuade you from your very public and very wrong dissent on an article of faith. I don’t know anything about Sean’s life outside the television and radio studios. I do know that not only is he publicly dissenting, he is also pridefully lecturing a priest of the Church Christ founded, and arrogantly rejecting that priest’s attempts to correct him. Mr. Hannity would no doubt respond again, “Do you know anything about me or my background sir?” Mr. Hannity, you either believe what you say or you do not. If you believe what you say about birth control, then you are publicly dissenting. If you do not, then you are lying in addition to causing scandal. It isn’t a matter of declaring you a bad Catholic Sean, it’s a matter of saving your soul.

Also check out Domus Dei (who does a wonderful piece on what Judging really means in light of Hannity telling Father, “Thou Shalt not Judge!”)

Amy Welborn’s Open Book. Again read the comments too!

Ad Majorem dei Gloriam who also supplies us with a letter from 2004 asking Hannity to turn his back on the cafeteria!

E-mail Sean Hannity and let him know you think this time, he really stepped in it!

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