Why I could never vote Democrat –

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I’m reading the discussion over on Pandagon about why Melissa had to resign, and how Amanda is defending her. It’s a vast right-wing conspiracy blah blah blah.

My biggest gripes with the left in the blogosphere is this.

1. They whine to much.
2. They never take responsibility for their own actions. It’s always someone else’s fault problem, hang up etc… but not them!
3. They can’t debate.
4. So they use insults and ad hominem attacks.
5. Not to mention profanity and are just generally uncivil.

Check out the points made by a commenter named Pete. Then check out how he’s treated by the others, particularly the Edward’s Blog master – Amanda.

Resigned bloggers vs. right wing noise machine media blitz at Pandagon

Sorry, but someone that puts up with this kind of vitrolic crap wouldn’t make a very good leader in my opion.

Any time I even consider looking at the Democratic party, this kind of stuff reminds me why I left.

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