Titus 2 women take heart

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A week or so ago, a comment on Danielle Bean’s blog caught my eye. This was in regard to younger women complimenting older women with families.

Please don’t shrug them off or avoid them, some are struggling so hard and against so many odds, all they want is a friend. You don’t even have to give them much time (I know a mother’s time is precious), but a simple and warm “hi” when you see them or the toleration of what you may consider “dumb” questions, is all that most young mother’s need. We need to know we’re not alone out here. It’s very lonely to be a twenty-something-year-old mother who’s trying to follow the Church’s teachings … We don’t want to intrude or to make you feel awkward, we only want to know how you got to where it is we’re trying to go.

First of all, I wish that I could hug that young women, invite her in for tea and have a play date with her kids and mine! I AM TOTALLY WILLING TO BE THAT FRIEND, but no body asks me. My one opportunity to share (aside from this blog) is Pre-Cana day, and even with that I am never sure if I’ve touched any lives, moved any hearts, planted seeds in any minds. How refreshing it would be to have a young woman with this young lady’s enthusiasm actually INTERESTED in what I might have to share with them.

I blogged a bit about this before where a couple of new moms already had their minds made up and were pretty recalcitrant to maybe hear something they didn’t want to hear. You can’t teach an unteachable spirit.

Then there is the stereotype of the “old biddy;” that we are just out to criticize and wreck the confidence of young moms everywhere.

The share or not to share question.

And if you have the opportunity to share, the problem of delivering the message.

My other Titus 2 women articles are here.

I am still struggling with this myself, but it was heartening to actually read a 20-something young woman who was thirsting for that kind of interaction with an older Titus 2 woman. It’s nice to know they’re out there… somewhere!

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Titus 2, teachable spirit

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