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That’s the feeling I’m having right now. Just bone chilling numbness. A dark season of my soul perhaps? perhaps.

Calvin did very well at his swim meet. He was so fast in his heat of the 200 Freestyle that parents literally went out of their way to tell me how well he did! In his 500 he did a personal best, shaving off an unheard of 20 seconds. His swim coach was amazed, the crowd was enthralled… and none of it was enough to get him to districts. He was out by two places in his 200 and by nine or so in the 500. He is not the only junior not to go, but it means next year is his last chance, his last opportunity. And that was disappointing.

My pre-cana talk went well I think. While I was talking I knew I had several young women engaged, hanging on every word. There was a young man too who looked like he was trying to memorize everything that came out of my mouth. That was very gratifying. They laughed at all my jokes, one cried when I talked about Raphael, and they applauded me with enthusiasm when it was over. But there was one guy who I don’t think would have perked up no matter what. He rolled his eyes, he smirked – clearly there just to get the paperwork to book the church. Oh well. I did not read the evaluations this year. Maybe I will later. I did give out a handout with my e-mail address on it. SO far, no one has e-mailed me. That’s probably just as well.

As it turns out RCIA is talking about marriage next week and they asked me to give the same talk to them! Our pastor was there at the end of my talk and he got to hear the bit about artificial birth control not being licit in a sacramental marriage, yadayada yada, and he shook my hand at the end and said I was brave to give that talk. So it must be okay with him for me to give the same spiel next week to the RCIA folk. Over the years I have heard from so many converts on message boards and blogs say, “they never told us that in RCIA.” Well, I’m going to make sure they hear it on Sunday!

My mom turned 79 last week and my sister and I took her out to Bob Evans. Next year, she will be 80 years old and for some reason that freaks me out more than the big 5 0 staring down the road at me in a few years. People die in their 80s. I just can’t imagine my mom dying, but I know it’s coming. Someday. As I lay in bed this morning I thought about all the people I knew as a kid, and how many of them have died. Half my life was spent knowing people, is the second half spent losing them? Yet my good friend Anita and I didn’t meet until she was in her 60s, so there you go. I guess the moral is to keep making younger friends so you don’t run out!

I still haven’t decided what to do with my flute. I have turned down two opportunities to play in the last two weeks, not because I didn’t want to play, but because it would have turned my kids lives upside down more than I wanted. When you have to have a schematic of who goes where just to play a gig – is the gig really worth playing? I decided no, it wasn’t, particularly since these weren’t paid gigs, and apparently won’t generate any other paid gigs. I guess my volunteerism has limits! As far as playing with the group – I think once or twice a month is what I can handle. I don’t want to do it more than that for more reasons than not. So I’m going with that.

Ohio is having a blizzard. It’s beautiful, but it’s scary for travelers. The kids love it and the school kids enjoy having the time off for school. But I worry about those who work,and those who are trying to get to doctor’s appointments. We northerners do pretty well in this weather though, very well.

Lastly, The lovely and gracious Ukok,(from whom I could learn much) has on her blog today:

For those many bloggers who encourage, enlighten, amuse and invigorate the spiritual senses, who have not been nominated for formal recognition in the catholic blog awards, but who contribute none the lesser to the catholic blogosphere.

What a sweet lady.

I am off to find my thwacking stick for some much deserved penance.

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