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I was saddened to hear of Anna Nicole Smith’s passing yesterday. I sincerely had high hopes for her second chance as a mother with her new baby girl, and hopefully with a husband/companion who truly cared for her. Could there be a more tragic life? I don’t think the Greek’s could have come up with a story more tragic.

Much to Mr. Pete’s amusement, I was always rooting for Anna Nicole. I thought she was a very motivated hard worker, albeit a misguided one. I always thought that under the right set of circumstances she could have a Father Corapi sort of life conversion. On one episode of her reality show, Anna Nicole had a tattoo of Our Lady put on her left leg. She said she always admired that image of the Blessed Mother. That she felt drawn to it. I think the reality was that our Blessed Mother was trying to draw her. Perhaps in some way that we will never know, she did.

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