Redemptive Nature of Childbirth

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Here is a survey about spirituality, faith and childbirth! From the author Theresa Brown:
Summary:When I was preparing for the birth of my first child almost ten years ago, I was struck by how many “birthing aids” were available
to women. By “birthing aids” I mean plans and remedies that would help a woman calmly and peacefully deliver her child. Some were totally natural, others not. Some used visualization and focal point strategies, and some used music and personal belongings to soothe the mother into a “wonderful” birth experience. I found virtually no information on how I could, as a Catholic Christian woman, incorporate my faith into my birthing strategy — other than the natural inclination to “pray that all goes well”. Four children later, I have progressively come to see that childbirth is a tremendously spiritual experience, and that as women, we are given an amazing gift from God — not only in the child we bring to life, but in the process we undergo to bring that child into this world. I understand, as we read in Genesis, that the agony of childbirth is the curse given to women as a result of Eve’s first sin. But deep in my heart, I know that there is a greater purpose to this suffering. The project I am working on looks at the correlation between labor and delivery and the Paschal Mystery of Christ. Additionally, it will investigate how childbearing/labor/delivery can be considered in the light of redemptive suffering — specifically using the suffering as an offering for the burden of sin in our world. My goal of this project is to lay out a plan so that a woman can prepare herself to enter into this incredible experience free from fear and full of trust in Christ Jesus — with whom this experience of suffering will be intimately shared. What better “birthing aid” is there than the complete knowledge and trust that I will walk through this experience hand-in-hand with Christ? JPII wrote that, “Christ elevated human suffering to the level of redemption. Hence, too, every man in his suffering can become part of the redemptive suffering of Christ.” How amazing would it be, if “,through the sufferings involved in childbirth, Christian women everywhere were to align their sufferings with those of Christ? The impact on our world would be tremendous (and especially appropriate to combat our culture of death).

Throughout the past year, I have spoken with many mothers about their own birth experiences and the role their faith did or did not play in them. I want to find out whether or not Christian women have even considered childbirth in this way. I am not looking for women to agree with my ideas or not. I just want them to describe their experiences so that I can find out how other Christian woman have approached childbirth. I care not whether woman have had pain killers or natural childbirth, c-section or vaginal delivery. This survey will help me reach an even broader range of women than I have been able to reach through group discussion sessions. Redemptive Nature of Childbirth

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