Frankie made it through surgery!

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From her web site: – francescafrisone: “Dr. Bove is not only one of the most talented people I have ever met but kind, pleasant, and humble. He does 500 surgeries a year. He has been practicing for around 20yrs. He takes cases many doctors would not ever attempt. He said Francesca is one of the most complicated anatomies he has ever dealt with.
No words could express how grateful we are for your constant prayers. What a result! Get ready for a bumpy recovery. But she has made it through the surgery well.”

Please continue to pray for a smooth and quick recovery!

From a family member. Frankie did have some bleeding last night and also sounds like she got that pacemaker after all. Please say a decade of the rosary or two for this little girl and her family! Please Lord – a full recovery.

Update as of 3:00 p.m. today from the web site:
Francesca had a relatively stable night. There are the standard issues with blood pressure, blood volumes, urine output, sedation, and ventilation common to this critical period post-operatively that warrant close observation. So far Dr. Bove is pleased with how she is doing. She had periods where she could shake her head “yes” or “no” to answer questions even while still intubated (on the ventilator) but they are trying to keep her sedated while intubated and while her chest is still opening.

Can you imagine being able to respond yes or no with your chest still open? Quite the little trooper our Frankie! I know Frankie’s mom reads the guest book. Please consider leaving your prayers and good wishes there. See my left side bar!

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