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The link below gives information including a link to the actual study on the Special K diet.
Special K Diet: Cereal for Weight Loss?

The Special K diet is where you eat two bowls of Special K serial a day, for breakfast and lunch, and then your regular dinner with fruits and veggies as snacks. They claim you can lose 6 pounds in two weeks. The mean though was 4.4 pounds in two weeks.

For a quick fix, this might not be a good jump start, but I don’t think you could do it for a long time.


I picked up the Firm’s Fast and Firm Cardio VHS at the library last week and tried it today. It is indeed a killer!! But I felt great doing it and plan to do it the rest of the week until I can get it from Amazon or eBay. I had to make a few adjustments. I think the fanny lifter when it is stacked it just too high for my knees. If I use just the large one I get a good workout without the knee strain. Other than that I thought this was really one of the best Firm tapes I’ve used so far and highly recommend it!

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