The balancing act.

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A homeschooling mother is always standing in the middle of a fulcrum, trying to keep the balance going between family, homelife, and home education. The more children, the more difficult the balancing act becomes. At times it seems as if keeping things in balance is almost effortless, but other times it seems as if one side or the other always wants to dominate throw everything off kilter.

I thought I had it more together this year, and in a way I am doing much better with homeschooling, working and keeping house. Yet I keep getting these reminders that this balancing act is very delicate and fragile and could be thrown off at any time by anything.

Last month my computer died. A lot of my favorite homeschooling resources and forms were stored on that hard drive and are now totally gone. (I know – back up, back up, back up!) My working life was on that computer too. So losing the computer, getting a new one and trying to get everything back in some sort of order threw everything out of whack for at least a week.

This weekend it was me. Calvin missed his curfew and didn’t get home until 1:00 a.m. (posting on that to come!) and I could not sleep. Even after he got home safe and sound, sleep eluded me. I even took a sleeping pill, and yet I was up watching Larry King Live until 4:00 a.m That was enough to put all of my plans for Sunday off and make me feel that I was already behind when Monday morning rolled around.

Yet all is not lost!

My determination to keep some sort of semblence of order in my household paid off. There was a mess, but it wasn’t a big mess and I was able to get the most important things done. Having the kids school work organized meant that even if I was a partial zombie, I knew where they were and how to get them started and through it! With a dinner plan, I knew what to fix next and what to get started. It really worked itself out because I had a plan!

I’m starting to believe that more organization is really more important than what curriculum you choose!

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