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Feast One Hundred & Twelve
Measured in minutes or hours, how much exercise have you had in the last week?

Does banging your head against your new computer monitor count?

If you had to change your blog title to something else, what would it be?

Gosh I don’t think I would change it. I like it!

Name one television show you watched when you were 9-12 years old.

The Brady Bunch

Main Course
If someone gave you $50 to spend with the one condition that it had to be educational, what would you purchase?

Update! OK I had to think about this for a little bit! If I had $50 I would spend them on all of the literature books that go with the Catholic Mosaic book study!

Do you tend to prefer dark colors, neutral shades, or lighter/pastel hues?

To wear I like dark colors and and neutral shades. Now that I think about it, I like that for the house too!

Do the feast yourself!

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Catholic mosaic, Friday feast,

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