Trapped in the church.

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I was discussing with a lady this week about a comment she made regarding her parents being “trapped in the Catholic church.” There are also comments on that blog about Catholics “trapped in the grip of the Catholic church, and other comments like that. Needless to say our discussions became somewhat heated.

So when Mr. Pete came home tonight I wanted to get his fresh perspective.

So I asked him, “Pete, do you think there is ever a time when the phrase, ‘trapped in the Catholic church’ is not a pejorative? I mean is there ever a way that that phrase can be used when it is not meant as a slam against the Catholic church?”

Mr. Pete pondered the question for a few seconds and then to my suprise said, “Yea!”

That totally blew me away.

“OK Pete, please enlighten me. When can someone say that someone else is “trapped in the Catholic Church” and it isn’t meant as a slam?”

and he said,

“If someone stays too long to talk after choir practice, then stops to use the bathroom and then gets locked in side, someone could say they were trapped in the Catholic church, without it being a pejorative.”

Ah…the obvious! Why didn’t I think of that?

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