What’s going on in My Domestic Church

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Sometimes it seems that we have just traded the business of fall and winter for a different kind of business in the spring and summer. This summer has been particularly busy for Calvin my oldest. He is working as a life guard, taking driver’s education and attending swim practices as much as he can. In between times he is attempting to have a social life! He has made lots of new friends among his fellow life guards though and he generally enjoys his new job. He even had to make his first save last week, which was exciting for him. I think he got a chance to see how much of his training has now become automatic for, him and how it was all just right there when he needed it. Interestingly that experience has him considering the possibility of becoming a police officer or even military training although I am hoping that he investigates some further training for his art work. He is a very good artist and I hope to get some of his portraits posted in the near future.

Sam is still doing homeschool three times a week with grandma, practicing his piano and going to work with his dad a couple of times a week. Mr. Pete says he is a good worker and he has been glad to have him along. So far Sam has learned how to take drums apart and how to clean and bag mouthpieces. I guess cleaning mouthpieces of brass instruments is kind of a gross job with old pieces of food and gum stuck in their and so forth. But Sam hasn’t complained a lot and he is making his own money which he is thrilled about! As far as his piano playing, he did manage to learn to learn some pieces suitable for playing at mass as an offertory or prelude. The music director told me to call her next week and they’ll set up a mass for him to play. Sam is also still an altar server so we have to pick a date where the two do not conflict!

Gabe, Noah and Izzy are still finishing up math and practicing their reading. They are also enmeshed with the comings and goings of their street friends. Izzy and the girls still enjoy playing with their dollies, which I love to see! The boys are riding bikes and playing football, with frequent trips to cool off and play some video games or watch a movie. I have boys tramping through this house all day long looking for drinks and going to the bathroom, but I don’t mind too much. It’s great to have everyone getting along so well.

Rosie is learning to walk!! It seems like she couldn’t even crawl a month ago and now she is skipping ahead to walking and climbing! The toughest part is telling my other kids to leave her be!! They still want to hold and cuddle her, but she wants to go, go go!

Mr. Pete is working hard at his jobs and I’m transcribing away. I did finally open a eBay store. Between the stuff my mom moved to my place and the things I have from my neighbor’s estate, I have lots of stuff to put in an eBay store. At least with a store people can browse and don’t have to feel pressured to bid on an auction in just 7 days. I’m told in the summer there is an eBay slump, and I’m hoping things pick up around Labor Day.

Mr. Peter will be starting his 5th year as a 6th grade PSR teacher. We went to the meeting yesterday and it is going to be a lot tougher than last year. They want the teachers to become certified catechists as well as do all the Virtus stuff. We already did Virtus, but now he will have to 20 some hours to become certified. Seems like a lot for a volunteer job. Nonetheless he wants to pursue it and I might as well do it with him. There are a good group of teachers workingon PSR this year. Mr. Pete is probably the closest to the 8th grade teacher who teaches church history for PSR and is a federal prosecutor during his day job. It’s interesting that the K-5 teachers are all women, and the jr. high teachers are all men. Just an observation.

Anyway two birthdays coming up soon and school to prepare for! It’s always something!!

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