Tom Jones Concert

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Guess where I’m going tonight!!???


My wonderful sister (THANKS SIS!) is taking me to see Tom Jones in concert as a belated birthday gift.   We even have decent seats!   So it’s girls night out… Mr. Pete is home alone with the kids!!!!  (but don’t worry sweetie- I made dinner…)

The concert was fantastic! Tom Jones was everything I hoped he would be and is an absolutely amazing performer. My sister and I could not believe that he is 66 years old!

To back up a bit, my sister and I use to watch his show back in the late 60s and have been fans ever since. We would have been in late childhood then, while he was a young man in his 20s. Remembering all of his provocative dance moves and the way panties got thrown his way quite a bit, I can’t imagine how we got by the censoring of my mother and grandmother to watch his show!

We weren’t close enough to see his face in great detail, but from a distance, the way he talked, walked and moved, he could pass for a man 30 years younger. His gorgeous baritone voice was in good form as well. I’ve noticed recently that some of the singers that I enjoyed in the 70s have suffered a loss in their musical range. Stevie Nicks comes to mind as does Hall and Oates. Vocal ranges that use to stretch for a couple of octaves are now shortend to the point that some of their oldies have to sound a bit different because the high notes just isn’t there. I’m happy to report that Mr. Jones has his full range and everything sounded just like he recorded it decades ago.

I did notice that the famous head swings were missing. I don’t think you can toss your head around like that for 40 years without some consequence. But his strength, stamina and the rest of his dance moves were as I remembered them. Maybe not as smooth as when he was 27, but for 66- I was impressed!

There was some underwear tossed on the stage. None of it was mine TS!! I noticed that he didn’t even try to catch it or bend over to pick it up. He did acknowledge the individual sender with a nod of the head. One lady tossed a boquet of roses on the stage and he did pick those up and thanked her for them. I thought that was sweet.

He’s got three CDs out now and is in the top 10 over in the UK. I might have to do some Amazon shopping later! If you get a chance to see him I would highly recommend it. Our audience had folks from 8 to 80 – some of them were even male!

Special thanks to my sister who thought of me as soon as she got the tickets as a mother’s day gift! There’s nothing like swooning, sighing, and screaming with your sister. It was worth it for that alone.

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