Is liberalism a mental disorder?

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Lilac Rose has some disturbing news on her blog LilacRose: When It Gets Personal. You can click through and read the disgusting comments and threats made by a liberal college professior to a conservative blogger. What is even more disturbing was that the threats were levied against the blogger’s 2-year-old child. This struck a nerve with me. A few weeks ago I was making comments on a liberal Catholic blog, mainly defending a priest against comments like, “if you were a real man.” The discussion took a huge lean to the left, the ad hominem attacks started flying and eventually my family was threatened with a phone call to CPS. Amazingly the blog host allowed it.

You might recall last year attacks made against Ann Coulter and Pat Buchanan as they were appearing to give talks as invited guests.

A few days ago I posted on civility, particularly in the Christian paradigm. However, paradigms aside, whatever happened to respectful, logical, well articulated debate and discussion? Where have the articulate liberals in the style of Hubert Humphrey, with the class and grace of Gloria Steinem gone?

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