Jill Stanek

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I like Jill Stanek. She is smart and she’s brave. I first read about her last year when I was involved in a debate about elective inductions of fetuses with anomalies incompatible with life. She blew the whistle on some Catholic Hospitals were performing this procedure. She called it what it is – an abortion. Unbelievably, she even took some heat from some Catholic bloggers for her position.

Jill’s latest is an article on her blog about contraception and its link to abortion.

Jill Stanek – Will we choke on the pill?: “I am a Protestant who opposes contraception, not only because some of its forms may cause abortions, but also – moreso – because the thinking behind contraception makes it the forerunner to abortion.
I base my thinking on several Biblical concepts. The foremost concept is that God is always described in Scripture as the sole procreative decision-maker. To my knowledge, every incident in Scripture describing pregnancy or barrenness gives God complete credit.
If that premise is true, who has the right to say no to God? Who can say they have a better grip on timing than God?
Pro-aborts are right. Contraception is next issue after abortion. And pro-lifers must work it through.”

HT The Curt Jester!

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