Bloggers observing Holy Week – Via Crucis 206

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Via Crucis 2006: Join In:

“Holy Week observances , which this year begin on 9 April 2006 and end on 15 April 2006, originated in Jerusalem in the earliest days of the Church, when devout people traveled to Jerusalem at Passover to reenact the events of the week leading up to ehat we now know as the Resurrection. I’d like to invite you to be part of a grid blog during this year’s Holy Week, using our blogs to reenact, relive, and participate in the steps of Jesus Christ through what our many traditions have called the Via Crucis – the Stations of the Cross.
If you are interested in joining this global effort, the first thing you ‘d need to do is choose which station (s) you will be blogging on. Here’s the schedule:
9 April: (1) Christ is condemned to death, (2)The cross is laid upon him
10 April: (3) His first fall, (4) He meets His Blessed Mother
11 April: (5) Simon of Cyrene is made to bear the cross, (6) Christ’s face is wiped by Veronica
12 April: (7) His second fall, (8) He meets the women of Jerusalem
13 April: (9) His third fall, (10) He is stripped of His garments
14 April: (11) His crucifixion, (12) His death on the cross
15 April: (13) His body taken down from the cross, (14) His body is laid in the tomb
On the day you choose to blog, I’ll ask folks who have chosen to blog on the stations (s) for that day to (a) include the Via Crucis Grid Blog tag (b) include a common image and (c) include links to stations before and after them. If you are interested, let us know by posting a comment below with the day (and station) you’ll be blog on. Please make sure you include your email and blog url in your comment.”

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