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A very sweet mom who lost a child with Trisomy 18 signed my Spirit Book (in the side bar) this week. This part of her story touched my heart. It’s part of what I tried to say last year to a different mom:

The following Tuesday, 12 May 2003, we got the call. The military OB, Dr. M, just told us that the baby had Trisomy 18. I asked the gender and was told she was a girl. That was it. I called the practice that did the Amniocentesis. I was told they were at lunch. I relayed the fact that this was urgent and I needed to talk to someone. I got Dr. R. He told me that Trisomy 18 was “incompatible with life” and urged me to “go ahead and have a D&C.” I responded that my baby was still alive. His next words have been forever etched into my very soul: “If you know she’s going to die anyway, does it really matter when?” Well, yes, it does. I got off of the phone as quickly as I could and never spoke to that practice again. Kevin was right there with me as I was on the phone. When I told him what the Doctor had said, he was absolutely livid. If we had been in the same room, Kevin would have had a hard time not knocking some sense into that man.

You can read the rest of little Audrey’s story here. Her mother continues to help and support other parents of trisomy babies!

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