Silver medal squared!!

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Turns out all of that training paid off! My boy pulled off two silver medalists in his first turn at the high school JV invitational!

It was so great to see him get a chance to stand on the podium. To see him do it twice was awesome! To his father and I it’s more than just the victory of those two races, but a culmination of all the swim practices we’ve driven to and/or sat through, all of the swim meets where the reward was just an ice cream cone on the way home. The months when this or that bill got postponed so that swimming fees could be paid instead. And of course who could ever forget facing the school board!!As parents we just need a moment like this once in a while – to see our son succeed at something he is good at and enjoys, to make it worthwhile. We don’t need it all the time. Once in a while is good though!

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