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This week I was called the “Catholic Rush Limbaugh.” As much as I love Rush (and I do!) I prefer to be compared to the spunky Ann Coulter instead!

Welcome to AnnCoulter.com: “Now that timid Republicans are forced to face their fears, it turns out that liberal America was always a paper tiger. Americans are not rising in anger at a judicial nominee who would uphold a state law requiring husbands to be notified of their wives’ abortions.

The only people attacking Alito for his abortion ruling are the usual nuts � Planned Parenthood, NARAL, People for the American Way and senators from New York and California (or what CBS thinks of as ‘the American heartland’).

So confident are the Democrats about the popularity of their stance on abortion that the day after Alito’s nomination, Senate Democrats shut down the Senate so they wouldn’t be forced to talk about Alito.

Minority Leader Harry Reid dramatically invoked an obscure Senate rule to close the Senate for two hours, putatively in order to rehash old arguments about the Iraq war in closed session. In other words, Reid demanded more transparency in government by shutting the doors, throwing out the public, dimming the lights, and turning off the TV cameras in the chambers of the U.S. Senate.

That night, the cable news shows were fixated on Reid’s weird stunt � and Senate Democrats narrowly avoided having to talk about Alito’s abortion ruling for one more day.

If this is not a coincidence, let’s see how long it takes Harry Reid to go on TV and state his position on a wife having to notify her husband before getting an abortion. Heck, I’d settle for seeing Harry Reid definitively adopt any position on legalized abortion.

The nuts are perplexed. Why aren’t Senate Democrats screaming from rooftops: ‘This is a judge who would force women to tell their husbands before they have an abortion! Are you people listening?’

Maybe the Democrats aren’t running from their base.

*My quoting Ms. Coulter in no way is meant to imply, insinuate, or otherwise communicate that I think she is Jesus Christ, Mary Queen of Heaven or on par with Mother Theresa. Image hosted by Photobucket.com

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