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Oh hum…

What a week.   Mr. Pete had his teeth extracted on Tuesday.  He came home well enough and even started puttering around the house a bit.  I was so thrilled to have him home during a work day!!  But that only lasted about an hour or so, and then the anesthetic started to wear off and he had to take the narcotic pain med.  Mr. Pete does not do pain meds well.  It gives him severe nausea.  This was so bad I ended up having to call the oral surgeons to get a prescription for Phenergan suppositories.  I knew Mr. Pete was really feeling it when he agreed to use a suppository!!

So I have been single parenting it this week pretty much, as well as playing nurse maid to my poor husband.  Yesterday was the worst.

Calvin woke me up at 5:30 a.m. to take him to swim practice by 6:00 a.m.   I took him, and then came home and did some laundry and typing.  I did my homeschooling and cooking etc. too.  Gabe was sick, so he hasn’t done any school this week, which in a way was nice for my 1st and 2nd graders, but poor Gabe was coughing so much his stomach hurt.  Then towards evening, the baby became hot and irritable.  I tried nursing her, giving her some Tylenol and walking around.  By 1:00 a.m. I decided to take a hot steamy shower and put her in the bathroom with me to see if the steam would help her.  It didn’t.  So I gave her a bath and she did seem more comfortable and cooler.  By 2:00 a.m. I was exhausted.  It occurred to me that if I stayed up 3 more hours,  it would be a full 24 since I had been in bed asleep!!

So I put the baby in her baby swing so that she could be upright.  I thought that might help her breathing a bit.  And then I went back to bed and slept soundly until 7:00 a.m.  Rosie slept better too I think as she was sound a sleep and felt much cooler.  Turns out she does have her first ear infection and conjunctivitis, but I have meds for both so tonight should be better.

So this post may be a bit incoherent.  In between all the schooling, running around and taking care of the sick, I also had an enormous amount of typing to send out today.  I had 3 big jobs to do.  2 of them are done.  The 3rd one I’ll probably get done tomorrow afternoon.  Hopefully I’ll be able to pull some better thoughts out of my brain by then.  

Hey if you have a place on your list of things to pray for, please pray for a young man named Matt.  He is a high school chum of my dear niece.   Matt is going into the priesthood and was even going to Steubenville, but he has come down with some kind of really nasty infection.  It could be life threatening.   His mother thinks that this is spiritual warfare – wouldn’t the evil one like to take a young priest, on fire for his faith, out of the picture!   Actually when my sister was telling me this that was the first thing I thought of too.  So if you wouldn’t mind storming heaven on this young man’s behalf that would be great.  Your prayers will be added to those of Matt’s classmates who are fasting tomorrow on his behalf.

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