Cleaning up a few things

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Taking time between jobs to clear up a few misconceptions made about me elsewhere in the blogosphere. – Comments: “or that reason has no place in faith because the Trinity is three beings in one being (which is absurd, even according to the Vatican – God is three PERSONS in one being). ”

I need to be very honest here. My formal catechesis officially ended for me in the 12 grade. My real catechesis provided to me through the Catholic Schools that my mother paid tuition for, ended in the 3rd grade. Everything else that I learned about my Catholic faith as far as the actual study of the faith (not devotions and prayers and living the faith, which came from my mother and grandparents) happened when I reverted back to my Catholic faith around 30-35 years of age. This has included voracious reading, participating in on-line study groups, listening to religious tapes, attending lectures and re-learning the faith as I teach my own children.

Obviously then, I am not as educated in the faith as someone with a religious degree or who has spent 6 years in the seminary. Thus my use of the terminology may at times be incorrect and I certainly appreciate corrections ( as opposed to public reamings).

That said, I have two favorite ways that I like to use for myself in understanding the mystery of the trinity. The first is the very simple 3-leaf clover that St. Patrick himself used to describe the trinity.

The second is the deep mystery of man and wife sharing their love in the marital act, with that love becoming the reality of a third baby. I love the fact that it is through marriage that we humans come the closest in truly imaging God in the trinity.

Anyway, that is my crude way of understanding this beautiful mystery as a lay woman.

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