Stand Up and Speak Out: Loretto Teacher Fired: Part 2

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Stand Up and Speak Out: Loretto Teacher Fired: Part 2

Pro-Life Alert!

Funky Dung has a post on his blog that alerted me to this blog – Stand up and Speak Out! The blogger, Katelyn Sills, is the daughter of a Catholic pro-life mom who worked to have a pro-abortion, Planned Parenthood volunteer fired from her job as a teacher at the Catholic all-girls Loretto Academy. Looks like the bishop in that diocese fully supported the teacher’s dismissal. Pop over there and give Katelyn some support. As you can imagine with over 400 comments on her blog, most if it is negative!

Here is a sample of Katelyn’s blog:

“At a Catholic school, people can reasonably expect that the staff will support Catholic teaching. This does not mean that the teachers have to be Catholic. I have had many teachers that I admire and are not Catholic. However, Ms. Bain did not just disagree with the Church. Her moral identity is in direct conflict. John Paul II states that abortion ‘is the deliberate killing of an innocent human being,’ and that ‘it is contrary to the law of God which is written in every human heart, knowable by reason itself, and proclaimed by the Church.’ This was not some small issue. When a teacher at a Catholic school has actively demonstrated that her beliefs are contrary to the Church on an issue that the Church believes is ‘deliberate killing’, something is very wrong.

Here here!!!

And thanks Funky for the heads up on this one!

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