Another reason to be open to children

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Still Running Off at the Keyboard:

Carrie Tomko’s uncle died. He had 10 chileren, 9 are still alive. Carrie gives a moving account of her uncle’s life and faith. This part stood out for me.

“As I walked around talking with those present, it hit me. They were all members of his family, and that was why there were so many people and so few flowers. When you outlive your friends your funeral can be a dismal affair, but not when you give birth to a dynasty.

My uncle never made a mark on the world. He labored long hours to keep bread on the table and didn’t have time to do things that would have made him famous. His children grew up without the material things that we began to take for granted about the time that the youngest was in her teens. Yet what a wealth they have today in each other. Nothing that money will buy can even come close. A family funeral when there is plenty of family and the person who has died lived a long life is a joyous affair. There are children running everywhere, of course, and no one lacks for someone to talk with. The loss is less when there are so many on the side of gain. He will not be forgotten for a long long time.”

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