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Found this news item on Britney Spears who is in her last trimester of pregnancy:

Meanwhile, the 23-year-old is planning to deliver her baby by caesarean, according to a report in The Scotsman.
The star is quoted as saying: “I don’t want to go through the pain.
“My mom said giving birth was the most excruciating thing she’s ever gone through in her life.”

I don’t know who’s dumber, Britney or her mother Lynn.

Or perhaps it’s Britney’s caregivers.  Sure, you don’t actually FEEL anything when you are having the surgery.  Of course you’ve been catheterized and dehydrated as well as endured several needles and tubes in your arm and spine by then.   The actual surgery doesn’t hurt, but the tugging and pulling they do during the procedure is a bit disarming and a little scary – even if you’re expecting it!!  And the recovery isn’t a bed of roses either.  Add to that the normal risks of surgery including infection and blood loss, and I’m wondering if this girl has gotten any kind of real prenatal education at all!!

But the real crime here belongs to Mrs. Spears in my opinion.   I’ll tell you why.

My first daughter’s birth was one of the scariest things I have ever gone through in my life.  After two safe and beautiful home births, I was attempting to deliver my daughter at home as well.  Just before the pushing stage, her cord prolapsed through necessitating an emergency transport via ambulance, (with me in the knee chest position to keep the weight of the baby’s head off of the cord)  with an immediate C-section under general anesthetic.  Later I found out that my daughter had a low APGAR of 1.  Praise God she’s fine now, but it was a traumatic experience for me.

My daughter, now age 6, knows nothing about it.  And if I have my way she won’t ever know too much of the gory details until she has already had a baby, for the very reason that I do not want to give her preconceived notions and fears about childbirth.  I want her to have faith in her body and in herself that she can birth her babies and that just because something weird happened to me, does not mean that has to happen to her too.

What was Mrs. Spear s thinking tell her daughter about how horrible childbirth was?  She was just setting her up for unnecessary fear and now apparently unnecessary surgery as well.  

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