Good deal for homeschoolers!

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I’ve added a banner near the buttom of the blog to let homeschoolers know about a great offer from this Old Schoolhouse Magazine! This is from their web site!

The first 5,000 new subscribers will receive 19 free gifts from popular homeschool companies with a paid two-year subscription to The Old Schoolhouse Magazine! And yes, it’s true – even the shipping is paid for, making these gifts a $300 value.

Your NINETEEN free gifts include valuable resources. Click on the banner link for more info!

The Old Schoolhouse Magazine is approx 200 pages, full color, gloss, and packed with support and fun! Contests and a multitude of product reviews abound, as do excellent columns like Creation Answers with AiG’s Ken Ham, Resource Room for special needs homeschooling with Christine Field, Diana Waring’s HisStory column, our Finishing the Race (High School) department, and Show and Tell – where readers share their own detailed methods and curriculum choices. And don’t forget our lengthy Teachers’ Lounge where homeschool parents hang out and talk homeschooling! Jenefer Igarashi chats each issue as well, and Dr. Ruth Beechick drops in from time to time. Keep up with mainstream news with Zan Tyler and Amelia Harper. It truly is “a homeschool convention wrapped up in a journal!”

Already, packages are selling! Price for the two year subscription is only $39 total. And you’ll pay nothing for the 19 gifts! The companies will pay the shipping of your gifts, too! That’s it! Enjoy!

I signed up and I’ll keep you posted on what I think of the magazine and the promos!

Please browse my Amazon sales and eBay items!

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