What goes around, comes around!

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And it looks like this time it’s comin round to Justice Souter!

People from across the country are joining a campaign to seize Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter’s farmhouse to build a luxury hotel, according to the man who suggested it after Souter joined the majority that sided with New London, Conn., in a decision favoring government seizure of private property.

“We would act just as these cities have been acting in seizing properties. We would give Souter the same sort of deal,” said Logan Darrow Clements of Los Angeles. A rival proposal from townspeople would turn Souter’s land into a park commemorating the Constitution.

Souter has declined to comment on the matter, but he has defenders, such as Betty Straw, his sixth-grade teacher. “I think it’s absolutely ridiculous,” she said. “They’re just doing it for spite.”

Yea… so? They’re doing it because Justice Souter said they could!! I love poetic justice!

Hat tip to JCecil.

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