Parents fighting for their kids

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Blogs for Terri had a link to the web site of Baby Charlotte Wyatt

The facts of Charlotte’s case, are, indeed, an illustration of the opposite; an example of how the doctors can be very, very wrong when they prejudge someone’s life as not worth saving.

Born premature at 26 weeks, Charlotte was given very little chance to live, and she has been dependent on the hospital for all the twenty months of her life. As Ms. Reid pointed out, last fall the court decided she should not be resuscitated, based on findings from the doctors that her quality of life was too poor. She was utterly unresponsive, apparently blind and deaf, and the doctors held no hope for her to improve. She was expected to die over the winter of a respiratory infection.

But she didn’t. Defying all their predictions, she outlived the winter—and in the past months has taken huge steps forward. Her oxygen levels have gone down from 100 % to below fifty. She can see the things around her and track her pretty toys, and when her parents speak to her she tries to reply. She is responsive to kisses, hugs, and a gentle voice, and has gained a great deal of weight since the autumn.

Charlotte’s parents see value to little Charlotte’s life and they want her to live. Go to their web site and see beautiful Charlotte and her parents for yourself!

On Blogs for Terri you can also read more about her autopsy report and some of the different opinions on that. To me it doesn’t make any difference if she was blind (which I sincerely doubt) or had severe brain damage – since when did it become okay to deny nutrition and hydration to the handicapped?

Thankfully, I also got this item in my e-mail yesterday about parents who DID fight for their daughter with a severe brain defect and won! She even graduated from high school!

HAYWARD — It is Tuesday afternoon, and Heather Galbreath has just finished her last high school class. After telling her father about the day and striking a “princess pose” on her netted canopy bed, she pauses suddenly and puts her hands over her eyes.
“I did not want this to be my last day at school,” she says, finally.

Galbreath graduates tonight from Mt. Eden High School. The 19-year-old woman, who was born with a rare condition called holoprosencephaly, knows she wasn’t expected to make it this far. She knows she should be proud of struggling through fatigue, pain and a host of other medical problems to earn a place on the principal’s honor roll, with a cumulative grade point average of more than 3.75.

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