New Terri Schiavo book

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I had a chance to hear part of Mark Fuhrman’s interview on the Sean Hannity radio show the other day. At the reqest of Mr. Hannity, Mr. Fuhrman has personally reviewed this case in great detail including all of the legal and medical documentation, and written a book on the case entitled, “Silent Witness.” You can order the book here.

An excerpt:

Police stand guard around the hospice to ensure that no one attempts to give Terri food or water. Barricades are set up on the street. The Schindlers have to pass three separate checkpoints, where they are searched and their IDs are verified, before they are allowed into Terri’s room. They can visit only when Michael allows them to, and are not given fixed visiting hours. When they are not allowed to visit, the police will not tell them when to come back and try again. Several days later, the police decided to come over to the thrift shop to let them know when they could visit. Once inside the room, they are forbidden to take photographs or videos of Terri.

“It was horrible. We were treated like common criminals.” —Robert Schindler, Terri’s father

“It was like we shouldn’t be there. We were doing something wrong.”
—Suzanne Vitadamo, Terri’s sister

Delaying its Easter recess, the U.S. Senate convenes to give formal permission to the House of Representatives to return to session and draft legislation designed to have Terri’s feeding tube reinserted.

“A woman’s life is at stake, and it is absolutely imperative that we take action today.” —Senator Kent Conrad (R–North Dakota)

Sunday, March 20

Although Terri has spent two days without nourishment or hydration, her family notices little change in her appearance. Her father takes her pulse and checks her skin for dehydration. He examines her pupils with a key-chain flashlight — until police see the flashlight and tell him he can no longer bring it into the room.

OK pro-death people. If you really think Michael Schiavo did Terri a favor and carried out her wishes, do you REALLY think that Terri Schiavo wantd her family to be treated that way? Really?

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