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Little Rosie finally has this nursing thing down. I’m not as sore and I think she might actually be picking up some weight. That solved, we are also settling into somewhat of a schedule. So the long summer languishes in front of me to enjoy my children and my precious newborn right? well not quite.

I mentioned before that a long-time customer of mine had had decided to not use my transcription service any more for economic reasons. So I figured that between March and now I have lost between $1200 and $2000 in anticipated income. Probably not a lot of money to some, but definitely a hit for the MDC household. By taking another position with a transcription service I have made up about $400 of that and I can see where there will be the potential to get back on track eventually so I’m not overly concerned. However one of the gals at the service wants to take 3 weeks off in July and needs coverage for the doctors she transcribes for – and there is the dilemma.

If I pick up her extra work load I will definitely be helping the family income, but I will probably only be holding Rosie during the day to nurse her – my mom or one of the kids will need to keep her occupied the rest of the time. My focus will be on my work and not on the house or preparing for homeschool. I will definitely be a mom divided. I’m lucky in some ways because at least I will be in the house, but that has its downside too as… well I’ll be in the house. I know too well the distrctions that come up at home that will take my attention and draw me away from work and make the work day longer.

On the plus side though, I will have extra money for the kids school curriculum and for swimming in the fall. I’ll also have some weddings coming up and can use that money towards piano lessons when they start up in the fall. So God provides the opportunity, I just have to be a good reaper!

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