10 reasons to have another child.

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The Mommy Life Blog (a good one to visit) has the details from the Population Research Institute, but here are the highlights!

Have another child to join with God in the creation of an immortal soul.

Reason Two:
Have another child to bring joy into your life.

Reason Three:
Have another child to grown in holiness and virtue.

Reason Four:
Have another child to help end abortion.

Reason Five A:
Have another child so your sons will have brothers and your daughters will have sisters.

Reason Five B:
Have another child so your sons will have sisters and your daughters will have brothers.

Reason Six:
Have another child so you (and your parents) won’t be lonely in old age.

Reason Seven:
Have another child because people are our greatest resource.

Reason Eight:
Have another child to contribute to the economy.

Reason Nine:
Have another child to counter global depopulation.

Reason Ten:
Have another child to help populate heaven.

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