Spread the love

Yesterday, I was in a discussion on the OH blog about the importance of communicating the truth in love, but also the importance about the acceptance of that truth. It was rather a chicken/egg discussion, I thought with good points on both sides. A disgruntled anonymous reader (is there any other kind?)wrote:

I think Christians are all just crazy and about getting the last word now. I don’t know. I think you all have problems, and you all sound like selfish little kids on a play ground somewhere, all of whom want to be right and be the center of attention and get the last word in before the teacher all makes you shut up.

No one really cares about anyone. All anyone cares about is winning the scripture spouting contests and looking the most holy and the most Biblical and correct.

My initial reaction is, “if you find utopia, please be sure to send us a postcard!”

As far as I was concerned, it was a discussion. Discussion and debate have been around since the beginning. Jewish leaders read, discussed and debated the Torah, Christians debate different aspects of Christianity – I even recall two Pagan ladies, one a Wiccan and the other a Druid I think, arguing about the purpose of sexuality. Many of the great minds through history gave great insights and further advanced thought through debate and discussion.

A good discussion makes you think, it makes you analyze, and it challenges you in your own beliefs which either changes them or strengthens them. It’s a way to grow and learn, and when it’s done well both sides come away with something. I don’t necessarily believe that debate adversaries have to remain adversarial outside of the debate. There’s no reason why opponents can’t shake hands and then discuss the price of gas or the upcoming weekend birthday party!! Trying to make an argument that compels, persuades and challenges your opponent, doesn’t mean there has to be ill will there or hard feelings.

So I’m wondering if this reader has given up on Christianity, exactly where s/he will look for a space that is conflict and discussion free? I wonder what exactly they will talk about? Will other people even be in it? Some interesting thoughts.

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