Tending the garden

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A posting on the OH blog made me think about communication, especially when it comes to the Gospel of Jesus, and some of the things that hinder that communication, but also how life hinders or helps us hear the word. Jesus himself told us a lot about how the word would be received, not only from person to person, but maybe even through different times in our lives. I’m re-posting my original comment and then I’m adding on.

Truly, to be effective seed sowers it definitely helps to have good technique. above! But even then the parable tells us that not all seed hits the mark. I am also reminded of John Chapter 6, where Jesus delivers a hard teaching on the Eucharist – and some still left him.

John 6:60
Then many of his disciples who were listening said, “This saying is hard; who can accept it?”
Since Jesus knew that his disciples were murmuring about this, he said to them, “Does this shock you?
What if you were to see the Son of Man ascending to where he was before? 21
It is the spirit that gives life, while the flesh 22 is of no avail. The words I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
But there are some of you who do not believe.” Jesus knew from the beginning the ones who would not believe and the one who would betray him.
And he said, “For this reason I have told you that no one can come to me unless it is granted him by my Father.”
As a result of this, many (of) his disciples returned to their former way of life and no longer accompanied him.

Also in Mark 6, we have the apostles, who literally learned how to share the truth from Jesus himself! and yet He gives them instruction on what to do if they are NOT received.

Mark 6
7. And he called his Twelve, and he began to send them two by two, and he gave them authority to cast out evil spirits,
8. And he instructed* them not to take anything for the road, except for only a walking stick, no water jug and no bread, and no money in their purses,
9. Except to wear sandals,* and not to put on two garments.
10. And he told them, “Whatever house you enter, stay there until you go out [of that area.]
11. “And whoever does not receive you and does not hear you out, when you leave there, shake off the sand from the bottom of your feet in their testimony.*

So Christ himself knows that not all who hear the truth, regardless of from whom, or how, are going to accept it. This of course, does not lessen our responsibility to be good bearers of the gospel, and to be efficient sowers. It might also give us the additional responsibility of making sure our own fields are fully tilled, watered and cleared of weeds so that we can accept good seed when we get it.

I see this more clearly in my children. My kids have perfect little fields!! Open to receiving any kind of seed – including from life-choking weeds. As I sow the seeds in them I also have to be very vigilant about keeping them watered, tilled and pinching off little weeds as they pop up. With my teenager, it’s more about watching him til his own garden and seeing how he deals with difficulty like drought, over-watering, and weeds on his own! So far so good, but I expect more challenges with him over the next few months as he goes through those teen years.

My mom too, who is a very godly, very faith-filled woman has garden problems of her own. She knows the word, but the weeds of despair, and sadness I think sometimes take her focus off of that. Cancer can do that. I’m hoping that by giving her things to live for she’ll see those weeds for what they are and continue to fight them back. This month she gets to see her youngest granddaughter’s dance recital and her oldest granddaughter’s high school graduation! Plus two grandson’s have a piano recital AND there’s more than enough sports around here to keep any grandma going. But most especially we’re going to name the baby after her and I’m hoping that really gives a boost and make that garden look fresh, new and worthwhile again!

I have lots of weeds in my garden – time distractors, fears, a need for more prayer time but lots of thick weeds blocking my path to the type of prayer life I really seek. In my sacrament of marriage, Mr. Pete does a lot to help me pull those weeds down – especially the ones that thrive on fear. He’s really a blessing that way. But a lot of it has to come from myself, and from more discipline in all aspects of my life.

Before the baby is born I’m hoping to use my blog time to refocus my attention on what is important to me – to the things God is calling me to. I want to see if the blog even fits into that or if maybe it’s one of the distractor that needs to go. Is it a weed, or is it part of the good soil? I have to decide.

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