Peace that surpasses all understanding

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Mr. Luse has written a very honest essay today about the disappointment many “progressives” feel/felt about the election of Benedict XVI. In his own wonderful style Mr. Luse writes:

You’ve got to hand it to them. They really believe it. They really, really believe it. I heard the same thing after Humanae Vitae. “This is disappointing, but it will change.” As John Paul issued encyclical after encyclical reaffirming what had come before, they said it again: “It will change.” And they keep on a-sayin’ it. Yes, they really believe it. In other words, they have great faith. Faith not in the immutability of doctrine or papal infallibility, but in the inevitability of progress.

He’s right. And the angst, anger, fear, disgust, negativity that I have been reading throughout the blogosphere on this, comes from this faith in “progress,” because this faith in being “progressive” isn’t based on anything real. They hope and pray it’s from God, but there remains that element of doubt. And so the anger, and so the doubt, and so the gazillion or more keystrokes on how the church and the pope are wrong, evil, bad on women’s ordination, or are bigoted to people with same sex attraction.
Of course on the other hand of that, people who DO accept the church’s teaching on all of these different topics, are “mindless” or “unthinking.” Never mind that it has usually taken a lot of study and research to GET to the conclusion that the church is right, because obviously if we had studied more or studied the right things (i.e. American Magazine apparently) we would have come to the correct conclusion. How else can you explain a middled aged couple preparing to welcome their 6th living (7th overall child). It must be that they are following the herd mentality of some form of Christianity, because it’s insane to think that this decision was rational, let alone well thought out.

I only know this…I sleep at night. Well. I don’t feel the energy or anger to write reams of material rationalizing my decision to have lots of children, or why I believe the church’s teaching, or to justify my marriage, or any of it. While I may have some anxiety about childbirth or the day-to-day struggle, even that doesn’t give me a heartache or a stomach ache. I am content and realize those thoughts for what they are – doubts from the world, doubts from the evil one. And even that I find comforting. Maybe that really is the peace that surpasses all understanding. And if it is, that’s what I wish for the progressives and liberals who seem to be in their own personal hell right now.

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