Catholic Stitchers

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I forgot to mention that I joined a new web ring over the weekend – Catholic Stitchers!

It’s a small group right now, but looking to grow and the other two bloggers on the list are doing some amazing things!

I love to sew, but rarely get as much time as I want, plus we don’t have the space right now. Hopefully when Mr. Pete gets the family room in the basement done I can have a permanent sewing area. The last thing I made was Gabriel’s Vest and bow tie for his First Communion. That has become a tradition. I made Calvin and Sam a vest and tie too. Next year I’ll make one for Noah and then the following year a first communion dress!!

What I would really lie to do is one of these T-shirt quilts! When I just had Calvin I lovingly thought about saving all of his little team shirts and making such a quilt. Then I thought I would lovingly make one for Sam too. Now I can’t remember who wore what when! So I’m going to make one BIG QUILT and have everything on it. Then when I die, I’ll leave instructions that they’re to pass the quilt around so that everyone has a chance to have it. Anyway, that’s my plan.

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