Caesar’s Bath

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The curt jester has given me the following homework assignment!

“List five things that people in your circle of friends or peer group are wild about, but you can’t really understand the fuss over.”

1. First communion with a large group. I don’t get it. Sure you get the nice dress and the boys dress up, and you get to see all your friends. But when EVERYONE is wearing a pretty white dress and a nice suit – it just seems like a cattle mentality for getting the sacrament. I much prefer to pick my own date and make it a family thing at mass, than to sign up for the huge first communion day production!

2. Epidurals. Being numb and helpless from the waist down just makes me feel uncomfortable. Give me a birthing ball or a tub of warm water over a needle in the back any time!

3. Soccermoms/ swimming moms, who are at the field or pool during all their free time, making signs in the team colors, baking fancy cupcakes for each game or meet, volunteering for every possible volunteer position short of coaching. Don’t get me wrong, it make it to the games but I have stuff to do during practice!!

4. Digital transcription over tapes. I recently started a digital account after using tapes for decades and while I appreciate not having to go to pick up the tapes to type and then return them, the tape quality is much better than the digital… at least in my experience so far!

5. Sex in the City. They recently re-ran the entire series on TBS and I watched most of it to see what the fuss was about. BIG DEAL. In the end they are all happier when they realize sex outside of a committment isn’t as good as sex in marriage, (or in Samantha’s case at leasgt with someone who really loves her). And biggest bumber – Baryshnikov didn’t even dance.

Baton pass to Alex, John the Catholic Packer Fan! and the Happy Catholic!

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