True words in response

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An anonymous detractor (is there any other kind?) left this in one of my comment boxes regarding vicious, personal, ad hominem attacks:

“Have you noticed that this only ever happens to you?”

No actually I haven’t When the sweet Sleeping Mommies have to lay down the ground rules in their own comment section, I know it doesn’t just happen to me.

I found a comment on the TWA blog today and it reaffirms for me that this isn’t an anomaly, AND it doesn’t just happen on blogs and message boards.

The Left, it seems, doesn’t believe in differences of opinion. Someone who disagrees is “offensive, misinformed and cruel.” There’s a rigid dogmatism on the Left — call it political correctness, call it progressiveness, it’s still dogmatic — that prevents open debate and leads to heated fury and nothing more.

I think we can also see this with the election of Pope Benedict and the rhetoric calling him a Rottweiler, a Nazi, rigid, cold etc. etc. I also note that conservatives were attacked with pies and salad dressing in public arenas, by liberals, simply for expressing their conservative views.

It seems many conservatives are being attacked verbally and otherwise by compassionate(?) liberals simply for holding an opposing view. Of course I remember that Nazism and Communism are leftist, liberal view points too. When it comes to tolerance, I can definitely see the connection.

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