Transcripts for the couple interviewed in the story below.

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This is the transcript of the interview of the couple with the terminally ill child that I blogged on below.

Many will remember that a few months ago, some Catholic bloggers, including me, were really harassed and ridiculed for attempting to convince a fellow Catholic Blogger not to induce early labor for her child (who had the same condition by the way). One of the most interesting parts of the article and the interview was that the health care providers were inconsistent in the extent and possibility of maternal risks, and the most honest answer was “we don’t know.”

That’s probably a metaphor for life, because the truth is we don’t know if we’ll survive the day, or if we’ll be gone next week, or how long our loved ones will live… the truth is we just don’t know. Every choice, every second includes choice and carries risk.

The only thing that we do know is that life is a gift, life is precious, and that all life has meaning – something the secularists, and proponents of the culture of the death apparently don’t see. But it’s more than that. There is also value and worth in suffering and sacrifice – something else our culture rejects.

The Holy Father knew that. He used the time he had and planned for the future, not knowing what that future was for him. And although many felt his life had lost its meaning because he was old and ill, he ignored those criticisms because he felt in his heart that whatever he had, it was worth celebrating.

Those that supported Terri Schiavo, and those of us that oppose early induction felt that way too, that the lives of those babies, and the lives of the disabled may be shorter or different from our own, but they still have a worth to God, and it may be a value that we just can’t see from our own earthly perspective.

And I want to say something on suffering too. It is terribly hard and heartbreaking to lose a child, to bury a child, to see your own dead child. I’ve been there. But I learned so much and God showed me so much in that suffering that I never would have been open to seeing before. Encouraging and supporting others through such a tragedy, helping them or encouraging to embrace the cross before them isn’t a lack of compassion – it is an understanding of what is before them. It’s a wisdom that’s not from the world or of the world, and I believe it’s a special gift that the pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia folks just don’t see or understand.

HT Amy Welborn.

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