The spring marathon

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In the midst of all the grief and upheaval of Easter, watching Terri Schiavo die, and the pope slipping away, there is the reality that spring is here and in a few short months it will be summertime. Big changes are coming to my household.

First and last, there’s this new baby who is growing and thriving and seems to be enjoying her time in the womb. Since it seems also a sure bet that she will be delivered by C section (well I could have a VBAC if the baby doesn’t go over 10 pounds – but two of mine did and three of them came close, don’t go overdue – ALL OF THEM DID, and if I agree to be continuously monitored because of my C-section scars, and if all the planets line up – uh, don’t think so.) I’m a little panicked about the recovery. I’ve got a business to run and kids to care for – I don’t have time to be an invalid.

Also, I may have mentioned before, a long-term client/customer of mine really cut back on the work she was giving me for the month of March. That’s one of the reason I’ve gotten a bit more enthusiastic with being an eBay seller. So with much regret I scrambled around and found a new account to take on. Now part of this is very exciting. I have been an old fashioned transcriptionist with my doctor clients dictating into tapes, that I had to pick up, put into my transcriber (a fancy tape player) and then deliver tapes and hard copy back to the doctor. But this new client will all be digital, over the internet. I’m looking forward to that but a bit scared too. Also it’s a different speciality than I am use to so I’m a bit nervous that I’ll hit some speed bumps along the way. I’d rather not be doing this in my last few months of pregnancy, but that’s how its working out.

Oh and I should finish homeschooling the kids, so that Gabe actually knows his math facts before the 4th grade and Noah can sail along with reading.

And lastly – soccer season is about to start. Ugh. I will be driving 5 kids to 4 different soccer fields a couple of times a week until the weekend – when I get to drive all over the county to their games – all while watching my feet and ankles swell to unbelievable proportions. I am NOT looking forward to it.

On that front, Calvin is going to a soccer class today for refing. He went last month and took the class and the test, but failed the test by 8 points. Hopefully this weekend he will pass so that he can ref some more games and make more money for his bank account this spring. The test is a LOT of reading – not his strong point. (Calvin is a functional reader – reads because he has to not because he enjoys it.) If you have any spare prayers to send his way this weekend that would be appreciated.

Keeping in mind my age and the miracle of this baby, I am trying to savor this experience of pregnancy. Chance are it will be our last. It’s a mixed feeling of wanting it to be over, but trying to enjoy it all at the same time!! It’s the transition. It’s spring.

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