The Pope and the People.

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It is fascinating for me to watch how the election of Pope Benedict XVI has affected Catholics. For my house it was a learning experience for the children, and a lesson in how life goes on. We celebrated the life of John Paul II (he has even become one of our favorite intercessors) and then we celebrate the election of Pope Benedict. In our house, celebration meant food and for us it was German Chocolate cake – of course!!!

The rest of the time I have enjoyed learning new things about our pope. Like how he loves cats, and how he has a brother who worries about him. Little things, trivial things that make him seem more personable.

I feel safe, secure and calm knowing that the church, led by the Holy Spirit has her earthly shepherd once more.

Sister Chittister seems to still be struggling with this. Last week, her line was that Cardinal Ratzinger will change! That we will all be surprised! This week reality seems to have set in because her theme now is sort of “who cares” and if the church doesn’t change, the rumblngs of revolution are with the people. Well she doesn’t really say that, but if you have listened to how Sister Chittister tap dances through her words of dissent, you know exactly what she’s saying.

I have lived through five papal elections. I have never before heard people so calmly and so disinterestedly discuss the possible position of a pope. They are, it seems, prepared to make an assessment independent of the assessment of the cardinals.

The question is whether that is the sign of a church that is divided or of a church that has come of age.

If you believe in the theology of the Holy Spirit, it may well be the sign of a church that is also listening for the Word of God within as well as outside itself.

Translation: “We don’t really care what he does, we’ve got our own agenda.”

Interestingly, George Weigel has his own take on the progressive movement and Pope Benedict. Basically he says it is over.

Nor is it possible to demonstrate, empirically, that cultural accommodation or appeasement produce vital, growing, compelling Christian communities. Precisely the opposite is the case. Christian communities with porous doctrinal and moral boundaries wither and die. Christian communities with clear doctrinal and moral borders flourish, even amidst the acids of modernity.

Yet it was expected that the Catholic Church would, indeed must, take the path of accommodation: that has been the central assumption of what’s typically called “progressive” Catholicism. That assumption has now been decisively and definitively refuted. The “progressive” project is over — not because its intentions were malign, but because it posed an ultimately boring question: how little can I believe, and how little can I do, and still remain a Catholic?

“I don’t know” and “I don’t care” is not the way to grow in faith. It’s the the way the church will grow either. I think the new pope is going to inspire us, and I think everyone still cares deeply about what he will say about the faith. I also think this pope isn’t just marking time, but as Weigle says, “he’s playing for the touchdown.” Think I’ll bake another cake today!

Hat tip JCecil and Todd for the articles.

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