A concept I just can’t seem to wrap my mind around!

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Over on Nathan’s blog, there were some complaints about how much money John Paul II and the Vatican spent on the House of Martha. If I understand the perspective correctly, according to liberals, ALL money not needed by the Catholic church for a modest church, bare essentials of living including food, water (heaven forbid that anyone in the clergy touch the fruit of the vine for enjoyment!), sparse clothing and maybe a pillow and a blanket. Anything else is an abuse of power, wealth, etc. etc. and should be given to the poorest of the poor!! Oh… and while we’re at it those of us stuck working middle class should just shut up and join those in poverty. That way the radical libs can send us checks (one anonymous person said they spent more in charity than I make in a year – well perhaps. I take that to mean I should just go stand in line or something?)

Here is one of the more interesting excerpts:

How disgusting is that? Why do the Cardinals need a $20 million residence? Why do they need to be driven up to the door in a Mercedes? Why do they need white china, crystal, and red wine? Why was a hospice and a historical Holocaust landmark replaced by a luxury hotel? Why is it that nuns can do the housekeeping, the “women’s work,” but they can’t be involved in the election of the Pope? Can’t elect the Pope, they can just clean up after the Cardinal Electors. How utterly disgusting. How might Jesus respond to this?

Uh… by saying thank you? Didn’t our Lord get down on his knees and wash the feet of his apostles? Didn’t He tell us to serve and be of service? Seems to me then that serving others in humility is a HIGH CALLING in Christ’s eyes. It also occurs to me that Christ rode into town on a donkey – the Mercedes of his day. And he ate at feasts that would be today’s equivalent of fine dining. So I really don’t get the problem.

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